
All it takes is just one…

I feel so lost and frustrated right now. I just want to act, but I don't know how. My mind keeps circling back to a General Strike, though. This is where our real power is because all they care about is the almighty dollar, which also keeps the working class enslaved. I think we just need one union or large organization to stand up and call fora General Strike to embolden more people and other organizations. To show them that it can be done. Why are unions in female-dominated professions, such as nursing and teaching, quiet right now? We don't need to be incredibly organized about it. We just need a leader right now.

I feel so lost and frustrated right now. I just want to act, but I don't know how.

My mind keeps circling back to a General Strike, though. This is where our real power is because all they care about is the almighty dollar, which also keeps the working class enslaved.

I think we just need one union or large organization to stand up and call fora General Strike to embolden more people and other organizations. To show them that it can be done. Why are unions in female-dominated professions, such as nursing and teaching, quiet right now? We don't need to be incredibly organized about it. We just need a leader right now.

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