
All my manager does is escalate non-issues/trivial issues and turn them into big issues.

Like that is her role. I work in accounting under this manager and she reports to the controller. She reviews all of my work, pretty much always done perfectly, and finds little things that I’m pretty sure don’t actually matter. Then she makes me email and message and call 20 people to resolve it or she brings it up in a meeting or makes a meeting just to discuss that or all of the above. Example. There is this analysis I do every month. It’s done the exact same way every month. I do it as always but this month she goes “Why doesn’t this amount show up on this report?”. I quite literally responded “…Why would it?” She loops me into a group call with this other guy to bring it up and he explains why it wouldn’t be on the report and why it never has. Still, my…

Like that is her role. I work in accounting under this manager and she reports to the controller. She reviews all of my work, pretty much always done perfectly, and finds little things that I’m pretty sure don’t actually matter. Then she makes me email and message and call 20 people to resolve it or she brings it up in a meeting or makes a meeting just to discuss that or all of the above.

Example. There is this analysis I do every month. It’s done the exact same way every month. I do it as always but this month she goes “Why doesn’t this amount show up on this report?”. I quite literally responded “…Why would it?” She loops me into a group call with this other guy to bring it up and he explains why it wouldn’t be on the report and why it never has. Still, my manager goes “I think we need to look into this.” 5 minutes later, a meeting invite pops up in my email. I now have 5 meetings today. Like…no one gives a fuck about this but you.

She has reviewed this thing for months and not once asked this question. I think she banks issues and questions so she has stupid shit to ask every month.

These are the type of management roles I don’t understand why companies pay for.

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