
All workers regardless of what they do for a living should be able to afford housing of some kind

I think it's so wrong for people to think that those who work jobs like Mc Donald's, Walmart, etc. shouldn't deserve a place to live. Or that people have that mindset where those jobs should only be temporary and not sustainable long term. Do you want good service? Do you want food that is cooked well? Do you want workers to actually be happy and not struggle? Do you want the employee to actually look in the back for an item for you because they can give a shit since they are able to live on their own or with a roommate/partner? Why is it so wrong for people working retail or the “low end” jobs if they end up staying there for a long period of time. When I used to work at the grocery store when I was younger I was amazed of how many workers stayed there…

I think it's so wrong for people to think that those who work jobs like Mc Donald's, Walmart, etc. shouldn't deserve a place to live. Or that people have that mindset where those jobs should only be temporary and not sustainable long term. Do you want good service? Do you want food that is cooked well? Do you want workers to actually be happy and not struggle? Do you want the employee to actually look in the back for an item for you because they can give a shit since they are able to live on their own or with a roommate/partner? Why is it so wrong for people working retail or the “low end” jobs if they end up staying there for a long period of time. When I used to work at the grocery store when I was younger I was amazed of how many workers stayed there for 10+ years. Now? good luck finding someone that's been there for more than 5 that isn't in charge of the store.

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