
Alpha Signs & Designs

My experience with my dream job as an industrial seamstress was the absolute worst job I’ve ever had in my entire life. From start to finish, this is the bullshit I went through for the past 3 weeks. When I was hired, from day once they were already very hostile towards me. I didn’t think much of it, assuming they just had a lot of employees come in thinking it was an easy high paying job. Giving them the benefit of doubt, I brushed it off my shoulders. Thinking back now, it should have been my first sign. A second sign that I brushed off, due to the reasons stated before, is that some existing employees warned me to ‘run’ from this place. Differences aside, I went forth with giving it my best shot. I asked if they could call me ‘Sock’, as that is my preferred name. I was…

My experience with my dream job as an industrial seamstress was the absolute worst job I’ve ever had in my entire life.

From start to finish, this is the bullshit I went through for the past 3 weeks.

When I was hired, from day once they were already very hostile towards me. I didn’t think much of it, assuming they just had a lot of employees come in thinking it was an easy high paying job. Giving them the benefit of doubt, I brushed it off my shoulders. Thinking back now, it should have been my first sign. A second sign that I brushed off, due to the reasons stated before, is that some existing employees warned me to ‘run’ from this place. Differences aside, I went forth with giving it my best shot.

I asked if they could call me ‘Sock’, as that is my preferred name. I was not in a customer service position, dealing with anyone outside of my 7 associates. There was no reason I needed to be using my deadname and I did express that I was non-binary during my interview process.

•Jerry the owner told me “I don’t want to know why people call you that..” and walked away.

From that point on, he absolutely refused to call me anything outside of my full birth name. Even going as far as pronouncing it wrong and refusing to say my birth name properly.

•I stressed that I am left handed and I will need some time to adjust to being forced to use an electric rotary blade.

I was told I need to figure that out quickly.

Both Jerry and his wife Tatiana ( the head seamstress) stressed that I need to be faster with the blade within the first few hours of my first day; or else I was out the door. Even after I stressed I’m forcing myself to be essentially perfect with my non-dominant hand within the first few hours of using a new tool I’ve never even seen before.

•the first entire week I was set to cut materials. Due to having a order of 500 units of a 6ft table cover, going as far to agree to work overtime my first week because they needed the help as I was the only person who cut fabric.

Jerry made a remark of never wanting to take such a large order again and I jokingly said:

“Yeah but I’m sure the pay made it worth the stress” my remark was ignored and we moved on.

The following day I was pulled aside privately by Tatiana, and told that quote

“It’s not my business how much money he makes focus on my own damn paycheck and to stay in my lane if I make a remark like that ever again I will be fired”

I expressed that I wasn’t asking about the pay, I was more so saying ‘the risk was worth the reward in the end’. and that there must have been a misunderstanding, because I was just trying to think of the order as a positive.

I was told “it doesn’t matter don’t ask about his money ever again”

•When I was finally able to use the sewing machine by my second week, I was put on a duel needle industrial. I did state that while I own a single needle home model, I’m willing to learn this machine as it’s not too far off from a home machine. Just with some slight changes.

Without even given test fabric to get my bearings. I was immediately given a clients order and told to hem, and the twist & fold method I was required to use was once again… primarily using your right hand and I once again stressed this wasn’t entirely comfortable for me with it being the first time using a machine like this.

I made some mistakes, and after I was finished and was immediately told:

“This is unacceptable and a disgrace we can’t ship this out thanks to you”

I explained I would do better, but I would need a practice piece to work with so I can get my bearings. which was a task in and of itself. I was struggling really hard to get a hang of such intense machinery.

It wasn’t until the other seamstress Lulu, a woman who spoke very little English, commented that I was put on a machine used for sewing rubber/silicone feet onto stretch fabric and not really made for hemming.

I was moved to a new machine and almost immediately was doing better.

Tatiana then commented, “I’m glad you figured it out because if you had messed up again I was going to fire you”

•from the very first day of work I was calling Tatiana ‘Tatti’, and would even approach her as such saying “hey Tatti can you look at this” or “Tatti do you know where X is located?”

When Jerry approached me asking if I had cut a specific fabric, I had told him “I didn’t no but Tatti did it’s over there”

He asked me who I was talking about and I repeated the name Tatti.

He told me we had nobody here named that and I explained that I was talking about Tatiana.

He had told me not to call her that name.

When I told him she said I could, going as far to say that I can call her ‘Tatti, TT, Tanya’ for names if I didn’t wanna call her Tatiana.

Jerry proceeded to say he was going to check with Tatiana, and see if I’m lying about that and if I was I would be fired.

Tatiana approached me a few moments later. I asked her If I was overstepping a boundary that I didn’t know was in place. Just to be assured that it was fine and she was completely comfortable with the name Tatti.

•I was requested to sew midway through my shift one day and by this point it was my third time being on a machine. at no point was it a full shift. I would get on for 3-4 hours at max before doing something else.

I was given a machine that was brand new, but with the drawback of it being a little shorter than it was supposed to be. so I was at an odd angle lifting my arm to rest on the other table next to me.

Not only that, but Tatti had nicked the bobbin case when trying to open it. She was using a sharp tool to pry the plate off, causing the metal plate to the bobbin case. It left a sharp point in the metal, so that any time I ran fabric through the machine it would catch and snag on the material. Causing damage to product being made on this machine. I was advised to ignore it and work around the problem.

I once again made mistakes on orders. a lot less then I had the previous times I used the machine. but mistakes none the less… I was overall frustrated and overwhelmed because I wanted to do better and I felt bad for being this failure they kept painting me ass.

I was assured they knew I was trying my best but I needed to be better…

•The following day, I went into the production room where all the sewing and printing is done. I asked what the plan for that day was, and Tatiana snatched the fabric I was using off the the table from the day prior, gave it to Lulu the older woman, and said loudly for everyone in the room to hear “Lulu I need you for fix this [Redacted] is NEVER aloud to sew here again”

I was immediately pulled aside, shown my mistakes from the day before, and chewed out being told that ‘I was replaceable’ and that she doesn’t need me here if I’m going to be this big up a mess up.

I was then accused of playing on my phone in the bathroom when I took a little longer than usual in there… and was now being demanded to keep my phone in a bin at work while everyone else kept them in their pockets.

I explained that while legally I’m not required to give her my medical history I /was/ in the bathroom for a medical issue and wasn’t just farting around like she so claimed I was doing.

I was yelled at to put it away and go fold orders. several minutes later, while again in a room full of 2 other associates. she storms in and starts rummaging through the bin of packed orders I was working on.

When I questioned if there was a problem, and if I had made another mistake. I was snapped at and yelled at with her saying quote “Can’t I just look?! I don’t trust you!”

Before slamming a single bag on the table that was opened claiming i need to focus more and make sure every bag was zip locked closed.

We had to take a later lunch that day to re-print and re-sew the orders I had messed up the day prior. since they had been set to be sent out that present day and it was a scramble to get things done.

After lunch once things had settled down I went back to folding fabric with my two associates in the room, also working on their respective projects. Only for Tatiana to come back in and say “yaknow we wouldn’t have been in this mess if it wasn’t for your screwup yesterday” and left…

•I expressed my frustration about these events to an associate, who did more office work with customers. she had agreed this is normal behavior for both Jerry and Tatiana and most folks don’t last more than a few days because of their hostile behavior.

She had also explained to me how she also has sever depression and anxiety, as well as struggling with her body image. she had overheard Jerry talking to a customer, saying that he would have the associate call the customer back since she was busy on another call. then immediately went on to make a remark on how the associate was ‘over 400lbs’ but ‘oh she over heard me but don’t worry it’s just a joke, it’s just a joke’

This same associate had also warned me not to talk bad on Jerry and Tatti. Not only are there ring cameras scattered across the warehouse, but there was a hidden one outside the back door.

•I was pulled away from folding to do something else, and when I had came back Tatiana had lent me a hand and I did thank her.

We are required to take photos of each project before they are sent out, and I couldn’t recall if the one Tatiana picked up when I stepped away was photographed or not. I asked if she had taken a photo and she was also unsure.

So I said we should just check the camera's log to see if we did. Simply to save ourselves the hassle of unbagging and unfolding everything to snap a photo that might or might not exist.

I was told ‘no Just take another photo’ I explained it made no sense to waste time pulling everything back out, just to refold and rebag the item. when it takes seconds to check what photos have been taken. Tatiana then proceeds to explain her process when folding. and I had explained that I too do that but, this situation was a little different as I was dragged away to help with something and I forgot if I had or hadn’t taken the photo. she then snatched the package from my hands and exclaims in a hostile attitude “you wasted all this time talking to me we could have just taken another photo at this point stop wasting time”

•my final day *I have video proof of this first interaction* I was asked if I put my phone away and I had explained that I don’t understand why my phone needs to be away in a bin when everyone else is aloud to have their in their pocket.

I explained that if I was constantly using my phone, I would completely understand the rule. but I use it to check the time due to there not being a clock in the room I worked. Simply putting it away immediately after. she explained that because she’s in charge back here, and that Lenny (another associate) has his because he needs to be able to answer if UPS calls him and to document times on the printer.

I questioned her about everyone else. I tell her “Everyone else doesn’t need them and is aloud to keep them on their person as long as it’s not being used”

I also asked “what if I get hurt? or if my grandmother who I live with needs to get ahold of me, and can’t because my phones in the other room locked away?”

I was told that I can just give Jerry’s number to my family if they need me for anything. and that all of the associates would have a meeting about this to make sure it was fair.

I asked about AirPods as well. because again everyone had them but I was told no.

She explained that Lulu gets them because she can’t speak much English so she gets to listen to music… I explained that every single associate but me and Lenny don’t have AirPods in. And that I am alone in a quiet room cutting fabric for 8 hours and anytime anyone needs me, they can just walk over to me so why couldn’t I have a single pod in my ear?

Her explanation was that because if they needed me on the Walkie-Talkie I wouldn’t be able to hear them…

However, I have never gotten a walkie. and the only 4 people that had them were Tatiana,Jerry,Lenny and Dan ( associate who boxes and ships the orders). it was unfair. I felt singled out for not being able to have anything on me and they where actively telling me and nobody else to lock away my phone.

I was told she would talk to Jerry and this would be made fair for everyone and walked away.

About 20 minutes later, Jerry calls us into the office for said ‘meeting’ and starts screaming at the top of his lungs. quote “ I am absolutely sick and fucking tired of being walked all over! I am the fucking boss and nobody should be using their phones! my wife and I work too fucking hard for you fucks to walk all over us! and if you don’t fucking like it there’s the fucking door!”

I said “I’m can’t do this” and left as I was screamed at to “get the fuck out of his building”

This whole ordeal turned into a violent panic attack by the time I was in my car… I had been shaking and crying my eyes out.

I have been verbally abused growing up, and I don’t take well with being screamed at… let alone someone who is intimidating. it genuinely fucks with me mentally…

I cannot and will not let someone ever treat me this way especially not my superior.

Thankfully I have good family and friends around me. While I’m still heavily affected by this experience, I am doing a bit better with a warming thanks to my family and friends. I’m absolutely thankful I left that job, it was horrifyingly traumatic for me.

I genuinely loved my associates there was maybe 7 of us total, but they were the absolute best people I could have worked with.

But Jerry and Tatiana were the absolute worst set of people to deal with point blank…

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