
Already notified my main manager of my 2 weeks notice. But I’m also considering suing them for emotional abuse and harassment for overworking me and screaming at me in front of the whole kitchen and server staffs (but it is worth it?)

Job: like cook The restaurant I work at doesn’t care about employees for sure. They call in the new hire on the busiest day (Friday evening) which is impossible for anyone to train him since this place is really understaffed (many quit during training week because it’s poorly managed). I have made the mistake of “working hard” so the incompetent managers constantly expect so much from me while letting the lazy workers slack off so often. It’s so ridiculous! Because this hire came in Fri, not trained at all and they made him help with other things,which is very shady from the management side. They didn’t give him much instructions and he made the wrong portions that eventually affected me the next day. (Which a manager also blamed me for someone’s work). So on the next day, all the responsibility to train him was on me. Mind you, I was…

Job: like cook

The restaurant I work at doesn’t care about employees for sure. They call in the new hire on the busiest day (Friday evening) which is impossible for anyone to train him since this place is really understaffed (many quit during training week because it’s poorly managed).

I have made the mistake of “working hard” so the incompetent managers constantly expect so much from me while letting the lazy workers slack off so often. It’s so ridiculous!

Because this hire came in Fri, not trained at all and they made him help with other things,which is very shady from the management side. They didn’t give him much instructions and he made the wrong portions that eventually affected me the next day. (Which a manager also blamed me for someone’s work). So on the next day, all the responsibility to train him was on me. Mind you, I was the only 1 person on the line on a busy day vs others have at least 2 people. (This is how messed up they’re at overworking the hardworking worker) (another female manager told me that they have so many lazy people and I’m the only one who work hard- she thought it was a compliment, but nope! Not to me).

After being yelled at in front of the kitchen and serving staffs (by a different manager), I was not only physically exhausted but emotionally drained too. Her reason was that I wasn’t helping the new hire with his shadowing and working at 4 different stations at the same time. After I told her I don’t have the capability to help him since I have 5-6 pizzas to work on, she looked down from embarrassment. My main manager was there and watching and didn’t say anything.

Right now, I have sent in my 2 weeks notice and I’m very angry to the point where I’m researching on suing my employers for emotional abuse and mismanagement. But the only issues are that I don’t have written evidence or time to drag this on.

Should I proceed?

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