
Am I about to get let go?

Would love your guys' thoughts on this. If I'm being irrational or not. For a bit of context, I'm the sole designer at a startup. I got laid off from my last job so you could say I have a bit of work-related PTSD. The PTSD is so bad that I feel the need to check my manager's google calendar every day just to make sure nothing “weird” is going on. I've been doing this ever since I first joined. Prior to this, I was on Linkedin. Linkedin has this feature that notifies you when your job title is searched by someone and the number of times you've appeared from those searches. I noticed the company I'm currently at, searched for my title, so I was kinda weirded out that they would look for a designer if I'm already there (I mean unless they're looking to expand but wouldn't they…

Would love your guys' thoughts on this. If I'm being irrational or not.

For a bit of context, I'm the sole designer at a startup. I got laid off from my last job so you could say I have a bit of work-related PTSD. The PTSD is so bad that I feel the need to check my manager's google calendar every day just to make sure nothing “weird” is going on. I've been doing this ever since I first joined.

Prior to this, I was on Linkedin. Linkedin has this feature that notifies you when your job title is searched by someone and the number of times you've appeared from those searches. I noticed the company I'm currently at, searched for my title, so I was kinda weirded out that they would look for a designer if I'm already there (I mean unless they're looking to expand but wouldn't they tell me that?).

So recently, I decided to check my manager's google calendar again. This time, it looks like they scheduled an “interview prep” slot into their calendar as well as another 1-hr long meeting with someone (not sure who). So I decided to look at another colleague's calendar (someone whom I work with but not in the same role), and he had the exact same meeting scheduled as well (so they're both in the same meeting). Also for a bit of context, my 3-month probationary period literally just ended a couple of days ago.

I'm now freaking out because why are they both in an interview together? My work-related PTSD from my old job is telling me I'm about to get fired and replaced by someone else. Am I overthinking this or is this quite rational?

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