
Am I crazy for feeling completely and utterly burnt out at this job?

So I started this job at a Commercial Printer exactly a year ago and was hired along with another guy we'll call Kevin. They hired us both as account managers for a particularly difficult account, but the other guy was more experienced in production management and I was more experienced with graphic design and graphic coordination. Turns out, that the previous two teams that handled this account before us had ended up quitting. The idea was that he'd talk to the client and run the job through the print shop, while I would create an SOP for file intake and automate a lot of the process as well as making sure all the files are print ready. This was a new way to tackle this client. We started with little to no training, which really stressed the other guy out until about a month in he had a meltdown and…

So I started this job at a Commercial Printer exactly a year ago and was hired along with another guy we'll call Kevin.

They hired us both as account managers for a particularly difficult account, but the other guy was more experienced in production management and I was more experienced with graphic design and graphic coordination. Turns out, that the previous two teams that handled this account before us had ended up quitting.

The idea was that he'd talk to the client and run the job through the print shop, while I would create an SOP for file intake and automate a lot of the process as well as making sure all the files are print ready. This was a new way to tackle this client.

We started with little to no training, which really stressed the other guy out until about a month in he had a meltdown and ended up getting fired for blowing up at our production department.

They ended up putting 100% of the work on me, both the production management and the file intake. When they finally hired another person(we'll call him Tom) to replace Kevin, he already knew people a the shop and he flat out refused to handle this account based off what his friends told him.

Fast forward a few months I've been managing the best I can, however my lack of experience kept making me stumble all over with these jobs.

This entire time, it really felt like I was on my own as if no one wanted to even think about this account.

However this is around when Tom started pointing out all my downfalls while CCing everyone else. He'd call me out for not doing things properly on group texts and group emails, even with clients. Throwing me under the bus is an apt phrase to describe what he does.

I tried pushing back and talking to our boss who just said that Tom's just trying to help with my projects because he knows I'm inexperienced.

But he's not pulling me to the side and giving me friendly advice, he's butting into conversations that aren't his and accusing me of doing things wrong in front of everyone. I've had to constantly push back to say that I've been doing things he's accusing me of not doing.

He'll start emails out like “Did Ron order this paper because if not this job will be late. Does client know there will be delays?” And I'll have to tell him “I sent out paper samples last week and confirmed we had enough paper then, purchasing already knows and we're ready to go on press after we get final approval.”

He could have said “Hey guys was paper ordered for this job? I just want to make sure we have enough so there is no delays.” But he didn't.

And he's doing this constantly, as well as calling my jobs trainwrecks in group emails. He's well liked, and I guess I've just been annoying since I've been struggling.

Tom's not my boss, not my superior, and he was hired after me, yet he just happens to know a lot of people here from previous jobs, I think he might have worked here 10 years ago.

Anyways, at this point I'm exhausted and burnt out. I've had no proper training, I'm doing the work of a team and not the work I was hired to do or had the skills and experience for, and I've had to deal with active hostility from a coworker on my team.

I feel like a failure. I can't focus anymore, and I'm just exhausted. The jobs pays amazing but I can't help but to feel I'm getting fired soon. They're not using me in a way that my skills are being fully utilized and I just feel awful.

I don't know if this is a rant or a genuine question, I'm just exhausted. I don't want to work at all, I feel myself desperately grabbing onto anything that gives me a hit of dopamine.

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