
Am I eligble for unemployment if my company finds another job for me while still in my current position?

Hi everyone. I can't seem to find an answer to my question so I'm reaching out to this community. The government has cut the contract I was working on and I will be laid off, with this upcoming Friday being my last day. My company was nice enough to find me another position which starts immediately after my last day, however it's a big pay cut, a 40 mile commute everyday, and I'm not thrilled about the role. Before they extended an offer for this new job, I was going to go on unemployment and use my time to find other jobs I would be more interested in, and also study for an IT certification. I'm not to worried about finding another job since I have enough savings and have other sources of income coming in. I will also be moving in 4 months which is another factor to consider.…

Hi everyone. I can't seem to find an answer to my question so I'm reaching out to this community.

The government has cut the contract I was working on and I will be laid off, with this upcoming Friday being my last day. My company was nice enough to find me another position which starts immediately after my last day, however it's a big pay cut, a 40 mile commute everyday, and I'm not thrilled about the role. Before they extended an offer for this new job, I was going to go on unemployment and use my time to find other jobs I would be more interested in, and also study for an IT certification. I'm not to worried about finding another job since I have enough savings and have other sources of income coming in. I will also be moving in 4 months which is another factor to consider.

My question is will I be disqualified for unemployment when I apply after my last day because my company found me another job before my last day? My thinking is because I'm still employed and I haven't applied for unemployment yet, this job offer won't count once I apply for unemployment, making me eligible. What do you think?

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