
Am I entitled to pay?

I work alone at a retail store and am scheduled until 6:15pm. The power went out due to storms at 2pm and will not be restored for at least another 24hours. I was told I am supposed to stay until the end of the day (standing here in the dark for no reason.) Or I can leave early but will lose the hours. Can they really make me stay here for 4 hours in the dark with no power or not pay me for the rest of the day if I leave?

I work alone at a retail store and am scheduled until 6:15pm. The power went out due to storms at 2pm and will not be restored for at least another 24hours. I was told I am supposed to stay until the end of the day (standing here in the dark for no reason.) Or I can leave early but will lose the hours. Can they really make me stay here for 4 hours in the dark with no power or not pay me for the rest of the day if I leave?

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