
Am I justified in leading mid shift?

22F- I work in a grocery store (believe me- I am looking for another job. Starting my own business, this is just work in the mean time). Anyway to preface this- I am not perfect, I love interacting with people and customers which is why they love me so much and I can sometimes talk more that intended and get distracted easily. However my customer service is really good and this is one of the things that I get complimented for all the time. Another issue of mine is being late to work. Again- totally own that- but the reason is- attendance is so chill at my work, my DIRECT managers are always saying “i'm late everyday I don't even care” and they laugh it off so I didn't think it was super enforced. So these are my weaknesses in the job, but I am SUPER open to criticism and…

22F- I work in a grocery store (believe me- I am looking for another job. Starting my own business, this is just work in the mean time). Anyway to preface this- I am not perfect, I love interacting with people and customers which is why they love me so much and I can sometimes talk more that intended and get distracted easily. However my customer service is really good and this is one of the things that I get complimented for all the time. Another issue of mine is being late to work. Again- totally own that- but the reason is- attendance is so chill at my work, my DIRECT managers are always saying “i'm late everyday I don't even care” and they laugh it off so I didn't think it was super enforced. So these are my weaknesses in the job, but I am SUPER open to criticism and want to do my best.

On the flip side- I am also SO kind to everyone. Even if i'm not perfect, I do my best to make sure all of my coworkers feel loved by me and i am soooo nice to the supervisors and managers. Well, there's three supervisors that I do not like. Let's call them Tony, Angela and Patricia. Tony is always making HIGHLY inappropriate comments towards me about my beauty and I just brush it off because I don't want to make a big deal about it. Second- Angela is an older woman and she has a weird rub against younger women. She jsut doesn't like me. I am SO kind to her but she constantly singles me out for petty sh*t that is totally unjustified. For example- she told me to step in for my coworker on register so he could go for his lunch. Well he was in the middle of a transaction so I turned on his light, put the next lane up sign and moved all his customers to my line. I told him after he's all set for lunch. She came back and humiliated me in front of the customers saying “If I wanted to do things easy like you I would have done that”. I tried explaining that he was in the middle of a sale and that was the best i could do but she scoffed and walked away in the middle of me talking. I told my direct manager and she said i did NOTHING wrong. She also dismisses me and the other girls I work with saying that “the pretty girls don't want work and get their hands dirty” which is insulting. So things like this happen ALL the time and yesterday was my breaking point.

I clocked in and went straight to the registers. Tony told me to go outside and do carts. So I was outside in the parking lot and Patricia comes out and starts yelling my name in the middle of everyone which was humiliating. She was yelling at me asking me why I didn't check in with customer service and i said because TONY TOLD ME TO GO OUTSIDE AND DO CARTS!!! She didn't believe me and I was like GO ASK HIM YOURSELF! So after doing carts I go back inside and jumped on a register, there was nobody in line and it was slow so instead of mindlessly standing there, i started bagging for my coworker cuz she had a big order. Tony comes up to me right in front of the customer and goes in a real snarky tone- let me explain how things work around here, see Angela on the register, that should never happen. STOP bagging. (first of all I din't even know Angela was on register, she hopped on without me even knowing). So I said to him, do you want me to open up or go take her out and he said go take her out. So I went up to ANgela and said hey Tony wants me to come in for you. She ignored me and then turned her whole body to me and said- I don't need ANY help from you. So degradibng and humiliating in front of people. She also screamed at me in front of a BUSY line because I didn't ask HER if I could use the restroom even though I asked another supervisor and asked my MAIN manager and they both said yes, but because I didn't ask HER she was pissed. And when I tried to explain myself- she just scoffs and walks away. She's a b*tch.

So i looked at them and went- this is bullsh*t. Told my direct manager i'm leaving and clocked out. I refuse to be humiliated and degraded in front of customers.

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