
Am I lazy/not a good worker for not wanting to work 10 hour days?

I am a logger and in the last year I finally found an opportunity to run logging machinery in the woods which was a huge step for me. My father has loaded trucks basically his whole life and because I made poor decisions in life I never really took the opportunity to learn to run machine from him when I was younger and now that I'm in my late 30s I finally have and it's been great for me and my family. Getting to run machine has been much easier on my body, however the longer hours makes it much more stressful. A lot of days I didn't even feel like doing anything after 10 or 11 hours and just wanted to bitch about work and then go to bed. My dad has done this job his whole life, at one point working 6 or 7 days a week, 10+…

I am a logger and in the last year I finally found an opportunity to run logging machinery in the woods which was a huge step for me. My father has loaded trucks basically his whole life and because I made poor decisions in life I never really took the opportunity to learn to run machine from him when I was younger and now that I'm in my late 30s I finally have and it's been great for me and my family.

Getting to run machine has been much easier on my body, however the longer hours makes it much more stressful. A lot of days I didn't even feel like doing anything after 10 or 11 hours and just wanted to bitch about work and then go to bed. My dad has done this job his whole life, at one point working 6 or 7 days a week, 10+ hours. My mother said it was like being a single mother with a paycheck. I don't remember my dad bitching about work but I do remember him sleeping in his recliner or on the couch a lot.

The money is too good to just walk away from and I've been wanting this my whole life, now that I'm finally signed up for it I feel like it drains me too much of my life to be able to enjoy, or even have the time, to spend the money that I make. I'd like to work four 10s if I could but that's just not a thing logging, sometimes it's five 10s and an 8. Which mind you is incredibly awesome for me and my family, and it's no issue for me to physically work these hours like it used to be before when I was just boots on the ground. It's just now that I'm into these 10 hour shifts I wish I had a little more time to do other things that I'm putting off. After work all I want to do is vent about bullshit, unwind after I eat, and then go to sleep because of how early I have to get up (4am to drive 90 minutes unpaid) to a job where the operators around me are dumb as shit, lazy as hell, treat the ground crew like crap and are completely ungrateful for their efforts.

TLDR: I'm a logger in a machine and 10 hour days are easy for me now but the stress of it all makes me want to work less.

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