
Am I naive or a self-advicate?

I have worked in a warehouse for about 3 years total and in many ways, it great! No customers to talk to, nothing to sell, comfortable clothes, and power equipment! But from the 2 businesses I've worked for, it seems there are systemic failures in the industry when it comes to employees. I've been at this place since March and I really loved it at first(after my feet got used to the 10 hour shifts) pay was $18 plus a $3 night shift differential and we work 6 days usually so 20 hours of (mandatory)OT a week usually. Well, that wore off after 6 months or so and the ugly reality came to surface. I lost my differential, I'm regularly singled out and micromanaged more than anyone else, the point based attendance policy bit me in the ass so I'm on the verge of suspension ( I'm a pretty dedicated…

I have worked in a warehouse for about 3 years total and in many ways, it great! No customers to talk to, nothing to sell, comfortable clothes, and power equipment! But from the 2 businesses I've worked for, it seems there are systemic failures in the industry when it comes to employees.

I've been at this place since March and I really loved it at first(after my feet got used to the 10 hour shifts) pay was $18 plus a $3 night shift differential and we work 6 days usually so 20 hours of (mandatory)OT a week usually. Well, that wore off after 6 months or so and the ugly reality came to surface.

I lost my differential, I'm regularly singled out and micromanaged more than anyone else, the point based attendance policy bit me in the ass so I'm on the verge of suspension ( I'm a pretty dedicated employee I do not get in trouble and don't handle it well). Not to mention the OG employees that get away with everything and start drama like it's their job. I feel so undervalued and underpaid for what I put up with 50-60 hours a week

It got to the point where I spiraled into a depressive episode and became suicidal for a while because of the stress and anxiety. I decided I'd quit so I went to tell my boss today. After telling him everything he seemed really sorry and genuine that he wanted to see if he could do something to fix the situation. I was hesitant because it took a lot to work up the courage to go talk to him but I made a couple of demands and I think that I'll be able to deal a little better. I'm definitely happier with the changes that we talked about and I feel like I believe him? Is that dumb? He really did make me feel validated and told me multiple times in different ways how valuable I am to them and that he genuinely does not want to lose me as an employee.
If I still feel the same way in a month or two I can always quit, again, but I think maybe it's worth the benefit of the doubt at least take it through the end of the year and keep making some money.

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