
Am I owed tips?

I was working a shitty kitchen job for about 1.5 years. The pay was dogshit but everybody gets some cash tips. These cash tips are still reported on our paystubs tho. Between inflation and needing a job that offers insurance I got a new job. I agreed to still work weekends because I needed a new car and wanted to save up as quick as I can. That was working out fine. Until I asked off for a single Saturday. Not even the entire weekend. Just one single day. So as retaliation the owner took me off the schedule entirely. I did not ask to be taken off. I did not quit. He didn’t have the cajones to actually fire me either. This was about a month ago. I got my last check and there were still reported tips but because I haven’t stepped foot in there since the last…

I was working a shitty kitchen job for about 1.5 years. The pay was dogshit but everybody gets some cash tips. These cash tips are still reported on our paystubs tho. Between inflation and needing a job that offers insurance I got a new job. I agreed to still work weekends because I needed a new car and wanted to save up as quick as I can. That was working out fine. Until I asked off for a single Saturday. Not even the entire weekend. Just one single day. So as retaliation the owner took me off the schedule entirely. I did not ask to be taken off. I did not quit. He didn’t have the cajones to actually fire me either. This was about a month ago. I got my last check and there were still reported tips but because I haven’t stepped foot in there since the last time I worked, I haven’t got them. Also I have $50 in gift certificates for that restaurant and I have no desire to support his business even if it isn’t costing me money out of my own pockets. How should I proceed?

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