
Am I petty for thinking we should get paid for our drive to work?

This is why I’m really leaning towards working from home. Call me petty but the gas and time spent getting to work while not getting paid for it just doesn’t sit right with me. Sure, we aren’t actually “working” for the employer while driving there but it’s till part of the obligation of working for them. Mentioning working from home, you don’t have to drive, which proves that driving to work can technically be seen as part of the job. Lol, idk do y’all think I’m just being crazy or is there some justification to how I feel about this?

This is why I’m really leaning towards working from home. Call me petty but the gas and time spent getting to work while not getting paid for it just doesn’t sit right with me. Sure, we aren’t actually “working” for the employer while driving there but it’s till part of the obligation of working for them. Mentioning working from home, you don’t have to drive, which proves that driving to work can technically be seen as part of the job. Lol, idk do y’all think I’m just being crazy or is there some justification to how I feel about this?

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