
Am I the only one who noticed that the more difficult and degrading a job is, the less it pays

I’ve only been on the labor market for like 4 years and have worked in 4 places so far so I have little experience, and those places are burger king, McDonald’s, Amazon, and now PLZ. From what I have noticed, it seems that like, the more money you make the easier the job is, like McDonald’s was easier and better then burger king, yet I got paid more, Amazon was better than McDonald’s and I got paid way more, and plz is worse work wise than Amazon, yet I also get paid less too, it doesn’t make a lot of sense because I thought that the harder jobs would pay more because well they’re harder, either that or I’m running into the problem I had with starting on easy with rhythm games to where they’re so easy they’re actually way more difficult than like hard

I’ve only been on the labor market for like 4 years and have worked in 4 places so far so I have little experience, and those places are burger king, McDonald’s, Amazon, and now PLZ. From what I have noticed, it seems that like, the more money you make the easier the job is, like McDonald’s was easier and better then burger king, yet I got paid more, Amazon was better than McDonald’s and I got paid way more, and plz is worse work wise than Amazon, yet I also get paid less too, it doesn’t make a lot of sense because I thought that the harder jobs would pay more because well they’re harder, either that or I’m running into the problem I had with starting on easy with rhythm games to where they’re so easy they’re actually way more difficult than like hard

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