
am i the problem or is my manager unsupportive?

i work in sales (i’ll keep vague for anonymity) and i struggle with sales conversations. i’ve worked less than a year in sales and i’m young and inexperienced. i’ve had next to no training and am picking everything up on the job. i have some learning difficulties, communication being one. i recently made a sheet for myself based off online articles on how to hold sales conversations successfully. my manager saw this and told me i shouldn’t be working this job and i should know this straight away without being told. i informed him that the other starter here benefits from this sheet and also has felt unsupported in this area of sales. my question is, should i be a natural at sales to have a sales job or is he being unfair and unsupportive?

i work in sales (i’ll keep vague for anonymity) and i struggle with sales conversations. i’ve worked less than a year in sales and i’m young and inexperienced. i’ve had next to no training and am picking everything up on the job. i have some learning difficulties, communication being one.

i recently made a sheet for myself based off online articles on how to hold sales conversations successfully. my manager saw this and told me i shouldn’t be working this job and i should know this straight away without being told. i informed him that the other starter here benefits from this sheet and also has felt unsupported in this area of sales.

my question is, should i be a natural at sales to have a sales job or is he being unfair and unsupportive?

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