
Am I too soft, or is this absurd?

Last year, I finally pulled myself out of my comfort zone and doubled down on becoming licensed for a better paying job. I got hired! Then, I had no training, my boss literally screams at me everyday about how I'm not doing my job the way she wants, ripped my hair out from grabbing my phone so she could finish a sale, (I walked out of the room for a sec then came back to her telling me if I have a mental problem that I shouldn't be here), consistently blames me for the company losing money, and pays me significantly less than the newer person. I have significantly more work than them bc she transferred me to a dept that I didn't sign up for, and she's never around- always taking days off. This has been for around 5 months. So I have applied to 24 jobs.🤞 **edit: forgot…

Last year, I finally pulled myself out of my comfort zone and doubled down on becoming licensed for a better paying job. I got hired! Then, I had no training, my boss literally screams at me everyday about how I'm not doing my job the way she wants, ripped my hair out from grabbing my phone so she could finish a sale, (I walked out of the room for a sec then came back to her telling me if I have a mental problem that I shouldn't be here), consistently blames me for the company losing money, and pays me significantly less than the newer person. I have significantly more work than them bc she transferred me to a dept that I didn't sign up for, and she's never around- always taking days off. This has been for around 5 months. So I have applied to 24 jobs.🤞

**edit: forgot to mention I was told there was health insurance on the posting and interview… but that was a lie.

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