
Amazon Pharmacy was the worst job I’ve ever had.

Some time ago, I came across what I thought was a golden opportunity for work. $16 an hour, work from home, provided equipment? Hell yeah! I am too excited to accept this position. Paid trainings, a simple 9-5, the more you work, the more time you gain for time off. I couldn’t wait! This would be perfect for my first adult job. I was so, so wrong. Months of continuous hell pouring on myself and my fellow coworkers, the flat out verbal abuse we’d receive from customers was horrendous. Required overtime shoved down your throat. You need two minutes to go to the bathroom? Be prepared to have 4 managers screaming at you for abusing personal time. I understand it’s something that comes with the job, but this? This destroyed our mental health. So many coworkers going on leave of absences during our busiest season due to personal reasons. Most,…

Some time ago, I came across what I thought was a golden opportunity for work. $16 an hour, work from home, provided equipment? Hell yeah! I am too excited to accept this position. Paid trainings, a simple 9-5, the more you work, the more time you gain for time off. I couldn’t wait! This would be perfect for my first adult job.

I was so, so wrong.

Months of continuous hell pouring on myself and my fellow coworkers, the flat out verbal abuse we’d receive from customers was horrendous. Required overtime shoved down your throat. You need two minutes to go to the bathroom? Be prepared to have 4 managers screaming at you for abusing personal time. I understand it’s something that comes with the job, but this? This destroyed our mental health. So many coworkers going on leave of absences during our busiest season due to personal reasons. Most, including myself, were told to do a medical leave of absence instead of a personal, which would be approved, then later revoked when the employee was nowhere near their work equipment. Myself? Hospital visit for a suicide attempt. Called my manager from the hospital phone, told them I was not able to clock into work, they said they will take care of it. Come back to work, provided ALL documentation needed to prove I wasn’t lying, and it was not good enough. They essentially wanted a damn police report of my attempt in order to keep my job. Bullshit, whatever, they’ll just take my unpaid time off away. I had enough to stay employed, good for me.

Except, not so good for my coworker. I’ll call them T. T recently fell extremely ill, needing many appointments, medications, testing and treatments done to figure out what was wrong. T also catches covid, awful timing. Three weeks ago, T submitted their Medical Leave of Absence to HR and it was approved. T would come back April 1st, today, to their job.

Of course not, it’s Amazon, T was fired two and a half weeks ago without their knowledge. HR revoked their approval, and considered T an employee of abandonment. Imagine getting ready to work for medical bills only to find out you can’t work anymore.

Don’t even get me started on our Arizona emoloyees. Due to time zone changes, they’ve been told to clock in an hour earlier than what’s on their Verint schedule. It’s all in writing, yet most of them are being accused of time theft for clocking in earlier than stated. Will our team leaders do anything about it? Fuck no, you’re a suspicious employee now.

The toxic positivity is purely dog shit. They don’t care about your growth, they won’t review your bad scores because a customer didn’t get what they wanted. They play favorites, does not matter if your scores are high up.

My suicide attempt was nothing more than a flick off their shoulders.
Not to mention, they just hired a new team 3 weeks ago and are letting go of another team getting paid $1 more. I won’t disclose my state as I am not interested in any kind of legal action, yknow?

I feel better getting this off my chest. Back to the job search we go!

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