
Americans of Reddit, would you support a revolution?

(This is all hypothetical, please don’t remove this mods.) I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, and it’s becoming more and more clear that things aren’t changing fast enough. The 1% still has more money than everyone else, and continues to use it to oppress the people. At a certain point, one must ask whether we continue trying peaceful methods or should we instead take up arms in order to overthrow capitalism, and institute a new government. There are a lot of question that would need to be asked if we did have a revolution. We’d need to ask questions about logistics, ethics, tactics, etc. Like, what would be our policy on ‘acceptable casualties’? If we were to blow up Amazon’s HQ in Seattle, would we evacuate the people inside by say, pulling the fire alarm? Or would that be deemed as casualties of war? Obviously, the billionaires and…

(This is all hypothetical, please don’t remove this mods.)

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, and it’s becoming more and more clear that things aren’t changing fast enough. The 1% still has more money than everyone else, and continues to use it to oppress the people. At a certain point, one must ask whether we continue trying peaceful methods or should we instead take up arms in order to overthrow capitalism, and institute a new government.

There are a lot of question that would need to be asked if we did have a revolution. We’d need to ask questions about logistics, ethics, tactics, etc. Like, what would be our policy on ‘acceptable casualties’? If we were to blow up Amazon’s HQ in Seattle, would we evacuate the people inside by say, pulling the fire alarm? Or would that be deemed as casualties of war? Obviously, the billionaires and their executive friends would have to go (except Warren Buffet, he’s actually a decent dude), but who else would meet the level of ‘evilness’ to warrant execution? How would we decide the standards?

Also, would we plan our new government in advance, with a constitution and layout already written up? Or would we overthrow the government and then take it from there. How would we recruit? At some point, our organization would be in some sort of quasi-justifiable stage, in which we’d have enough of the American population supporting us to justify our existence but not enough to not be labelled a terrorist organization by the people in government. Some people would most likely support our goals but continue to do their jobs in law enforcement and in military as duty to their country requires.

How would logistics work? It’s not exactly difficult to get weapons in this country, but the military and the police would likely have more advanced weapons such as tanks, jets, etc. Would we be able to gather enough members to have people on the inside in the military that can smuggle us enough resources? If we were to acquire tanks, would we be ensuring that the people who drive them have had training, or would we be doing a very ‘budget’ revolution? How do we ensure that our soldiers receive enough training to not end up as gun touting maniacs just shooting up the block, but rather as professional soldiers who can discern enemy from civilian? The war in Ukraine is a great example that we would want to take notes on. The soldiers there used to be everyday people and now they’re applying their past skills to help out in the war effort as professional soldiers.

But most importantly, how do we ensure that we stick to our ideals and code of ethics. I believe it’s critical that we don’t become our own worst enemy in the process.

What are your thoughts on a revolution? How would you answer these questions?

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