
An 83 year old woman who works in the same hospital as me…passed away last night on the job.

Maybe she liked working, so that’s why she was still working at that age. Either way, it’s sad. She collapsed and was taken to the emergency room, where she passed away and then all I could think about is how she would end up in the morgue down the hall from where she worked…all in the same shift. I don’t know her personally but I’m sad for her. I’ve been in a melancholy mood all night at work. It just got me thinking about what the end game really is here. Maybe I’m being cynical but it just feels like all there really is to life is work and then trying to fill in the gaps with things that bring you solace. I know we’re all just screaming into the void but I felt like sharing anyways.

Maybe she liked working, so that’s why she was still working at that age. Either way, it’s sad. She collapsed and was taken to the emergency room, where she passed away and then all I could think about is how she would end up in the morgue down the hall from where she worked…all in the same shift. I don’t know her personally but I’m sad for her. I’ve been in a melancholy mood all night at work. It just got me thinking about what the end game really is here. Maybe I’m being cynical but it just feels like all there really is to life is work and then trying to fill in the gaps with things that bring you solace. I know we’re all just screaming into the void but I felt like sharing anyways.

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