
An actual holiday for hospitality and service workers? Yes please.

Remember that time we all closed the economy, and everyone stayed home to be separate, together? Yeah, I don't either. I'm a regional manager, and I made a PROMISE to my staff on the first day of lockdown. I told them that when the time was right, I would lead the charge on a legitimate paid holiday for ONLY hospitality/service employees to celebrate us. After all, we worked while everyone else stayed home and stayed safe, right? Here's the thing though. I work for one of the rare small businesses that is actually GOOD. We just want people to get paid, y'all. If I had the budget, this would be a legit paid holiday for all that managed to drag ass into shop day in and out for TWO YEARS to keep people fed and happy. So I had to really think. How can we make this concept palatable to…

Remember that time we all closed the economy, and everyone stayed home to be separate, together? Yeah, I don't either.

I'm a regional manager, and I made a PROMISE to my staff on the first day of lockdown. I told them that when the time was right, I would lead the charge on a legitimate paid holiday for ONLY hospitality/service employees to celebrate us. After all, we worked while everyone else stayed home and stayed safe, right?

Here's the thing though. I work for one of the rare small businesses that is actually GOOD. We just want people to get paid, y'all. If I had the budget, this would be a legit paid holiday for all that managed to drag ass into shop day in and out for TWO YEARS to keep people fed and happy.

So I had to really think. How can we make this concept palatable to small businesses and big businesses alike?

At its core, to work, this needs to be a TAX holiday for business owners. Anyone in the industry, at any size.

Here's the basic concept – The first Monday of March will be designated “Lockdown” Day. All restaurants/salons/casinos/ etc etc MAY close, but they don't have to. IF your employer chooses to close, it will be recognized as a fully paid holiday. That holiday will essentially be a tax credit the employer may use to offset taxability for the year, quarter, whatever.

IF your employer DOES NOT close, wages should be paid at 2X normal rate. However, the normal rate would also be a tax offset for liability against payroll taxes.

So, thoughts? One thing I've learned is business will totally push for anything that benefits them. This totally does that, one a macro and micro scale.

FYI, I've already been harassing Jason Crows office about it. Feel free to do the same.

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