
An economic fact and relationship you NEED to understand

Your work as a worker (and all the workers of the company) needs to pay YOUR bills AND the bills of your employer. Otherwise you won't be employed. Prices of products your employer sells include all the company's costs but the employer only pays for your subsistence costs (see wage differences in income across the world, even if you work for Big Tech they pay your local country salary not a US tech salary). If you think that the price I pay for food or electronic products needs to pay all the costs of all the staff and capital expenditure of the company. This is the fundamental nature of economies. Costs are recursively defined. You pay your own costs and the costs of everyone else through your work. Profit is therefore sought by companies. Also see the iron law of wages

Your work as a worker (and all the workers of the company) needs to pay YOUR bills AND the bills of your employer. Otherwise you won't be employed. Prices of products your employer sells include all the company's costs but the employer only pays for your subsistence costs (see wage differences in income across the world, even if you work for Big Tech they pay your local country salary not a US tech salary). If you think that the price I pay for food or electronic products needs to pay all the costs of all the staff and capital expenditure of the company. This is the fundamental nature of economies. Costs are recursively defined. You pay your own costs and the costs of everyone else through your work.

Profit is therefore sought by companies.
Also see the iron law of wages

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