
An ode to solidarity in the workplace

I'm behind a desk. I didn't work a hard back breaking day of labor in my life. ​ I see the ones that do everyday, the ones that were not lucky like me, that don't get to sit behind a desk and do nothing all day. ​ I see their happiness, I see their sorrow, I see them trying to feed their families and keep roofs over their head. ​ I feel the pain in my soul when they see their paychecks and not seeing a number as high as they expected. ​ I cant help them, I can only talk to them and try to make them laugh, try to make at least a small part of their day better. ​ But in the end I'm nothing against the grinding gears that work to break them down. I'm nothing against the unfeeling inhuman management that would play golf while…

I'm behind a desk. I didn't work a hard back breaking day of labor in my life.

I see the ones that do everyday, the ones that were not lucky like me, that don't get to sit behind a desk and do nothing all day.

I see their happiness, I see their sorrow, I see them trying to feed their families and keep roofs over their head.

I feel the pain in my soul when they see their paychecks and not seeing a number as high as they expected.

I cant help them, I can only talk to them and try to make them laugh, try to make at least a small part of their day better.

But in the end I'm nothing against the grinding gears that work to break them down. I'm nothing against the unfeeling inhuman management that would play golf while their people broke their backs.

I'm just the IT guy. I make sure the guys stuff works to do their jobs, but I'm also their friend, their shoulder to lean on and complain to when things are rough and when the equipment sucks.

I see you. I feel you. I understand you. I curse my own good fortunes and spit in the face of the cruel god that gave me a cushy job while your ground to dirt.

I feel helpless and hopeful at the same time. I try to see a future where I can finally really help you. Really make a difference. Make you laugh and smile when your job is so bleak.

I will NEVER be apart of the elite and rich class that oppresses us. I will strive everyday to use my position and good fortunes to make a difference to those that were not as lucky as me.

I stand with you, I will always stand with you. I love you and care about you. I shed tears as I write this because they tore down yet another pillar of your stability, and I could do nothing but console you.

WE are the working class. With our hands we toil for the more powerful, we sacrifice our minds and bodies for those in power, but one day we will stand united against the darkness.

But that's all I've got, I've poured my soul out of my fingers and onto a keyboard, hands that are not cut out for anything harder. Hands to soft and gentle to really feel like I belong amongst the hard working.

From the heart, with all the love in my being,

-Your IT guy

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