
An Old Walkout Story

I wanted to tell a story of what happened to me the Fall of 2011. I worked at a Canadian coffee chain with sparse locations. Let's call it, Jimothy's. Anyways, it was owner by a man who spoke limited English so he tasked his university aged daughter to run the place. She was obnoxious as all hell. She said awful things to people all the time and hated anyone getting along. There was a young girl I worked with. She was so sweet and she was new. For some reason, the manager hated her. Like, hated her. She picked on her badly and it only took a few weeks for her to leave. We got paid in cash and had to go to the back each pay, she counted it and we had to sign. She always used this to tear a strip off us for something dumb and it…

I wanted to tell a story of what happened to me the Fall of 2011. I worked at a Canadian coffee chain with sparse locations. Let's call it, Jimothy's.

Anyways, it was owner by a man who spoke limited English so he tasked his university aged daughter to run the place. She was obnoxious as all hell. She said awful things to people all the time and hated anyone getting along.

There was a young girl I worked with. She was so sweet and she was new. For some reason, the manager hated her. Like, hated her. She picked on her badly and it only took a few weeks for her to leave.

We got paid in cash and had to go to the back each pay, she counted it and we had to sign. She always used this to tear a strip off us for something dumb and it was a maddening ritual just to get legally paid. The young girl came in with her mom to say she wasn't returning and she'd like her pay. The manager made her go to the back for the wage ritual. She immediately starts going in on her about how unprofessional and immature she is blah blah. The mom starts yelling at the manager. The manager starts yelling back. Young girl yells. I'm at the bagel counter holding one of those bug serrated knives. I turn around, 25 feet away from all parties, to face them, and say “Becky you need to stop and just let her go, this is unprofessional” she then yells out AND now YOURE trying to STAB ME?!?!?!”

I dropped that knife on the counter and took off my apron and headset. Absolutely fucking not. The cops were there at this point because the customers called. Customers were also filming all this. Me and the other girl left after talking to the cops.

You are a dumbass Becky.

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