
An older lady gets a job in food service for the first time

Current situation at work. An older lady decided to take a job with us in food service, (I don’t think she’s a boomer but on the older side of gen x) because her other job was too strenuous. This was the first red flag. Now mind you, I work in a hospital cafeteria, which is fast paced but not nearly as fast as say, fast food. She is absolutely appalled that we have to do all this fast paced moving and she refuses to be trained on my station (the station they hired her for, I was just filling in) because it’s “too fast” and she thought food service was “easy work.” She says she doesn’t even want to come in tomorrow and probably won’t. Just gave me a good laugh.

Current situation at work. An older lady decided to take a job with us in food service, (I don’t think she’s a boomer but on the older side of gen x) because her other job was too strenuous. This was the first red flag.

Now mind you, I work in a hospital cafeteria, which is fast paced but not nearly as fast as say, fast food. She is absolutely appalled that we have to do all this fast paced moving and she refuses to be trained on my station (the station they hired her for, I was just filling in) because it’s “too fast” and she thought food service was “easy work.” She says she doesn’t even want to come in tomorrow and probably won’t. Just gave me a good laugh.

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