
“Anonymous” work survey made truly anonymous

I don't know if this story fits this sub but here it is anyway. A few years ago I worked for a small-ish business (maybe 30 employees, front office staff and back of shop staff). It was my first year at this place and I had already gotten a lot of ~iffy~ vibes from management and HR. So one morning, during the daily meeting, HR announces there is MANDATORY anonymous survey, and that we all had to complete it on our shop login and send it to HR. “But don't worry! It's totally anonymous, no one will know who said what. We want honest feedback.” I rallied my crew around the idea of everyone just filling out the survey on my login and submitting it. So it looked something like “I dislike the rampant nepotism between HR and Management” “This place sucks and every morning commute is filled with a…

I don't know if this story fits this sub but here it is anyway.

A few years ago I worked for a small-ish business (maybe 30 employees, front office staff and back of shop staff). It was my first year at this place and I had already gotten a lot of ~iffy~ vibes from management and HR.

So one morning, during the daily meeting, HR announces there is MANDATORY anonymous survey, and that we all had to complete it on our shop login and send it to HR. “But don't worry! It's totally anonymous, no one will know who said what. We want honest feedback.”

I rallied my crew around the idea of everyone just filling out the survey on my login and submitting it. So it looked something like

“I dislike the rampant nepotism between HR and Management”

“This place sucks and every morning commute is filled with a second of hope that when I turn the corner it will be burnt to the ground.”


Everyone finishes their bit, I submit. The next morning HR threw and absolute hissy about the submission while we all had a good giggle to ourselves.

I was let go for unrelated reasons shortly thereafter.

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