
Another company’s bullshit practices

One of my coworkers quit the company I work at several months ago. The separation was amicable and he's been back to our job on several occasions to stop by and say hi as he works in the area as well as has kept in touch with many of us outside of work. We have a visitors log that we have him sign. We have no policy about not allowing visitors. Last week, I reached out to him asking to bring me medicine as I had no more breaks and knew he would out of work soon. I work nights so it is a bit later than normal (9pm) but we are open late into the night so we are in our normal operating hours. He asks to come in and say hi to whoever was working. I tell him sure as long as he signs into the visitors log…

One of my coworkers quit the company I work at several months ago. The separation was amicable and he's been back to our job on several occasions to stop by and say hi as he works in the area as well as has kept in touch with many of us outside of work. We have a visitors log that we have him sign. We have no policy about not allowing visitors.

Last week, I reached out to him asking to bring me medicine as I had no more breaks and knew he would out of work soon. I work nights so it is a bit later than normal (9pm) but we are open late into the night so we are in our normal operating hours. He asks to come in and say hi to whoever was working. I tell him sure as long as he signs into the visitors log like normal which he does. He spends about 10 minutes talking to the few people that were here. I escorted him to the exit and he left and that's the end of that.

I come back from my 2 days off yesterday and get pulled into an office where I am asked about an unauthorized person on the premises. I explain the above as well as note that this particular person has been allowed many times and am told there are likely going to be repercussions to my actions. Today I come into work with a meeting on my calendar tomorrow. I'm told I'm going to be given a verbal warning tomorrow in the meeting(which are printed and signed as well as filed with HR). I'm so very upset right now, Im being disciplined for something other leadership has openly done before, we don't have any clear guidelines in our code of conduct that even talks about visitors and suddenly I'm in violation of it?? And getting a filed verbal?!?

I'm not asking anything here, or even have the ability to do much in my situation besides find another job. I just needed to vent. I post this to give yet another example that everyone in management is practically the same. They are blind to their own hypocrisy.

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