
Another job going up in smoke as the week’s progress… workplace injury probably going to be the end

This is another bad job that started off good, I honestly try my hardest and remain polite to even the biggest clowns. I won’t talk too much about my last proper job but it involved being used as a taxi, mandatory overtime, set up to do pointless things and physically pushed about. But anyway my new job has been a bit iffy from the beginning but I enjoy my work and the people all seemed chilled so I let go of all the warning signs. After a month I got my first pay and it was 40% under what I agreed. I eventually won my argument because I had screenshots of the job I applied to where nothing stated minimum wage for your age. So my first pay was never backdated but I didn’t want to cause a stir so I took it on the chin in the name of…

This is another bad job that started off good, I honestly try my hardest and remain polite to even the biggest clowns. I won’t talk too much about my last proper job but it involved being used as a taxi, mandatory overtime, set up to do pointless things and physically pushed about.

But anyway my new job has been a bit iffy from the beginning but I enjoy my work and the people all seemed chilled so I let go of all the warning signs. After a month I got my first pay and it was 40% under what I agreed. I eventually won my argument because I had screenshots of the job I applied to where nothing stated minimum wage for your age. So my first pay was never backdated but I didn’t want to cause a stir so I took it on the chin in the name of peace. Now three months later I still have no contract but am out of the phase where I have to pay back my certification fees if I leave. How nice of them lol.

After my first six weeks my supervisor begins getting too comfortable at telling me I’m stupid and how I’m useless (or things to the effect). He gets hung up on the fact this is just a part time job whilst I’m studying for a degree and begins comparing tiny mistakes or mistakes he made and blames me.

“How you gonna get a degree if you can’t even do this? you need to buck your ideas up cos you’re slow and can’t work properly”

Meanwhile we have been finishing 30-60 minutes early, daily for the last couple of months due to me working so hard. It’s to the point staff from the nearby business have come over and joked that it’s always me working and the rest just stand and watch.

I do find it funny that I’m being told I’m slow, not good enough and stupid by a supervisor who I counted has 5 smoke breaks in 4 hours of being on shift and actually finishes 30 minutes of work per day. He has to do my job when I’m off so he just landed himself a prison sentence recently.

I’ve been working too quickly because he is shouting at me, making me juggle 3 things at once and then blaming me when things aren’t perfect. I tried being calm and telling him I cannot manage the workload when it’s all being thrown at me like this. I’m going as fast as I can. To which he always says “no you’re slow as f**k and useless”

I’ve laughed it off too many times. He genuinely means it and it’s not a joke.

Then the other day I was going way too fast to keep up and hurt my shoulder pretty bad. I knew I’d hurt it but kept working to avoid an argument. Went back the next day and I’ve completely mangled it. We fell behind massively. But instead of sending me home or taking over and doing some work himself, he watched me struggle to the point I’m writhing in pain. Of course he was on important coffee break duties and shouting from the rooftops how I’m letting this team down.

I essentially crawl to the end of the shift, over an hour behind schedule and dowsed up on painkillers to be told, “don’t come back until your arm is better cos you slow us down enough when you’re fit”

By this point I’ve given everything I possibly can. I’ve put up with his racist, homophobic, anti vax, conspiracy theory speeches and insults for months without any thanks. Instead of kicking off I just said, “you got me right in the feelings with that one.” And left for the night.

Since head office is based hours away and they’ve not been to this branch in years, I have no hope complaining will do anything as this supervisor is just left to run this joke without being scrutinised.

I can’t get a doctors appointment until just before Christmas (thanks UK), and no doubt even if I did get a sick note and physio, it would still get me fired as I’m still in probation without a real contract.

I couldn’t imagine them paying me sick pay when im their 9th employee in 18 months.

Looks like it’s back to the drawing board lol

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