
Another mass layoff

I just want to open this by saying LinkedIn sucks and needs to burn to the ground. Anyway, I work at a tech company and this week they let about 150 people go. They offered everyone nice severance packages like 3 months of pay and other things. Unfortunately, I was not one of the lucky ones chosen to be terminated (I hate my job and I’m actively looking for employment elsewhere/interviewing). My company uses slack to communicate and I’m in a couple of channels, one being my team channel. I was reading over the messages (mainly sent from the managers) about the layoffs and I got so annoyed. In my opinion they were being extremely performative and I just wanted them to stfu. 1) At the end of the day, you know it’s just business and not personal. Let’s not forget most businesses exist to make money in the first…

I just want to open this by saying LinkedIn sucks and needs to burn to the ground. Anyway, I work at a tech company and this week they let about 150 people go. They offered everyone nice severance packages like 3 months of pay and other things. Unfortunately, I was not one of the lucky ones chosen to be terminated (I hate my job and I’m actively looking for employment elsewhere/interviewing). My company uses slack to communicate and I’m in a couple of channels, one being my team channel. I was reading over the messages (mainly sent from the managers) about the layoffs and I got so annoyed. In my opinion they were being extremely performative and I just wanted them to stfu. 1) At the end of the day, you know it’s just business and not personal. Let’s not forget most businesses exist to make money in the first place and if that’s not happening, leadership will do something about it. 2) if you’re really THAT heart broken about your colleagues leaving, go get their personal info so you can stay in touch and chat everyday – I’m 99.9% sure that won’t happen. 3) they’re terrible people and suck at managing 🫠

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