
another monday knowing i have to go in and face the drama from friday

i swear to god my bosses cant end things on a good note. my bosses were upset with me because i refused to call a customer and ask for them to PAY for a rebate that the manufacturer would then send them back after the transaction was processed. yeah sorry im not going to assist in your absolute robbery. not sure how their dumb customers arent realizing that they arent getting a rebate, and are just breaking even. (id like to add that im not being a defiant a**hole, its more that i can tell which customer will be smart enough to realize the absolute crockery coming out of my mouth and i dont have the nuts to say it) ive always known i wouldnt last here but i thought i could give it a go because it sucks to have to start over. im so sick of this. ive…

i swear to god my bosses cant end things on a good note. my bosses were upset with me because i refused to call a customer and ask for them to PAY for a rebate that the manufacturer would then send them back after the transaction was processed. yeah sorry im not going to assist in your absolute robbery. not sure how their dumb customers arent realizing that they arent getting a rebate, and are just breaking even. (id like to add that im not being a defiant a**hole, its more that i can tell which customer will be smart enough to realize the absolute crockery coming out of my mouth and i dont have the nuts to say it)

ive always known i wouldnt last here but i thought i could give it a go because it sucks to have to start over. im so sick of this. ive never felt so insecure at a job before. to top it all off i live in a small town w little to no job offers available.

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