
Another rant by yet another stranger who got burned by another employer at another new job.

TLDR: Employer made promises, didn't deliver, now I have to go hunt for another job. Again. Standard rant. I took my most recent job because it was a small, local company with a decent reputation. They had an opening that matched my skill set and could honestly use my help. I have decades of experience in my industry and can't abide working for huge corporations anymore. I just don't have the patience for the office politicking and related bullshit. I know smaller companies usually have their own problems, especially when it comes to compensation, but I figured I could do some good, help out a local company, etc. I crushed the interview. I gave them three things they could start doing, that day, to make things easier on themselves. Two of them they implemented before my first day. The third requires more capital than they have available at the moment,…

TLDR: Employer made promises, didn't deliver, now I have to go hunt for another job. Again. Standard rant.

I took my most recent job because it was a small, local company with a decent reputation. They had an opening that matched my skill set and could honestly use my help.

I have decades of experience in my industry and can't abide working for huge corporations anymore. I just don't have the patience for the office politicking and related bullshit. I know smaller companies usually have their own problems, especially when it comes to compensation, but I figured I could do some good, help out a local company, etc.

I crushed the interview. I gave them three things they could start doing, that day, to make things easier on themselves. Two of them they implemented before my first day. The third requires more capital than they have available at the moment, but they're planning for it.

During my interview I told them three things I would absolutely need to come work for them. First was my minimum salary, which was heavily discounted compared to my previous job. Since I'd be commuting over an hour each way, and then using my vehicle for work, I'd need mileage reimbursement. Last, I'd need some basic medical/dental/vision benefits.

They agreed to everything, but then tweaked things a bit before I started. This should've been my first red flag.

As for the salary, it was more than they had budget for, but they could get me there within the year providing I could deliver on everything I told them I'd do. We agreed to a phased salary increase every 90 days.

My 90 day probation was up two pay periods ago. Pay still hasn't been corrected, but technically my hiring paperwork doesn't reflect that so there's some issue in accounting.

I was promised a gas card but instead have been given some gift card bullshit that gets reloaded when someone remembers. Ive also been told Im not reimbursed for mileage to and from the office, as nobody else is. Not what we agreed to, but I've let it slide because they're a small outfit and I felt bad.

Lastly, no benefits. I was told I'd have them after 90 days but they're supposedly still shopping plans and something will be in place by the end of the month. During the last 90 days we've had flu, covid, and strep outbreaks in the company. (We're out in public and in people's homes so that's typical.) I've been sick multiple times with no insurance. I've been lucky nothing serious happened.

I just feel so stupid. Stupid for trusting this small company to live up to their word when my experience tells me most companies won't. Stupid for thinking this time would be different. Stupid for giving them the benefit of the doubt and making concessions for them.

It's just extra shitty because I've been kicking ass. I like to work on things that are interesting to me. I like making a difference. But, fuck, I have bills to pay and their bullshit is financially compounding my expenses. First, base pay is less so I can't save anything. Second, commute is worse so I'm spending more. Third, no benefits so if anything health related happens I'll be out of pocket.

So now I have to go back into the shitty merry-go-round of job hunting and it's Just. So. Exhausting.

(Ok, rant over. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.)

Edit: typos

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