

I’ve given a lot of thought to what anti-work really means since I’ve been on this sub, and I can’t help but but feel like the name “anti-work” is a misnomer. Not just a misnomer, but completely contradictory. The owners are the ones who are anti-work. They’re the ones that treat labor as cost and weaponize their resources, position, and connections to devalue the real capital of work to exploit people who only have that capital to offer. Almost everyone here is a worker and most of the frustration here is the conditions in which we exchange our work and the (lack of) bargaining power we have to negotiate compensation for it. We’re cost. The need for us and our labor by owners is antagonistic to them. Just a Thursday morning thought to all of you complaining, entitled, lazy workers who “don’t want to work.” That isn’t what this is…

I’ve given a lot of thought to what anti-work really means since I’ve been on this sub, and I can’t help but but feel like the name “anti-work” is a misnomer. Not just a misnomer, but completely contradictory.

The owners are the ones who are anti-work. They’re the ones that treat labor as cost and weaponize their resources, position, and connections to devalue the real capital of work to exploit people who only have that capital to offer. Almost everyone here is a worker and most of the frustration here is the conditions in which we exchange our work and the (lack of) bargaining power we have to negotiate compensation for it. We’re cost. The need for us and our labor by owners is antagonistic to them.

Just a Thursday morning thought to all of you complaining, entitled, lazy workers who “don’t want to work.” That isn’t what this is at all. The bosses are anti-work and treat you as cost on a spreadsheet when your labor is what is creating business.

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