
Antiwork or antinatalism?

Why is that sub getting cross posted here? Why does every post from people worrying about how to provide for the family get a lot of comments about how they shouldn’t have had kids? It’s rude, and not very tactful. Emotions aside, how is it antiwork? Personally, I think an anti work society, or a leftist society as this sub claims to follow leftist rhetoric, is one that supports families. The revolution isn’t coming tomorrow but I still get up and go to work, how is it not the same for people starting families? I’ve seen beautiful communities support each others, support families, through tough times and even just generally. I grew up in a neighborhood where someone was always willing to take kids for a couple hours so you could get things done, and the favor was returned. I think a lot of people here can’t or won’t imagine…

Why is that sub getting cross posted here? Why does every post from people worrying about how to provide for the family get a lot of comments about how they shouldn’t have had kids? It’s rude, and not very tactful. Emotions aside, how is it antiwork? Personally, I think an anti work society, or a leftist society as this sub claims to follow leftist rhetoric, is one that supports families. The revolution isn’t coming tomorrow but I still get up and go to work, how is it not the same for people starting families? I’ve seen beautiful communities support each others, support families, through tough times and even just generally. I grew up in a neighborhood where someone was always willing to take kids for a couple hours so you could get things done, and the favor was returned. I think a lot of people here can’t or won’t imagine community that includes families and children, so just take it to antinatalism instead of equating it to anti work, y’all are weird.

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