
antiwork views on entrepreneurship and starting your own business?

I've been hanging out in this subreddit for a short while but I haven't seen a lot of people discussing the option of starting your own business and becoming your own boss to bypass the struggles of dealing with unfair corporations and stress filled work weeks. I'm not sure why so I was hoping somebody could shed some light on this for me. Is this because of a specific reason that goes against what this subreddit stands for or is this just not the right place to suggest or discuss those kinds of topics? I'm assuming the standard answers/reasons apply for why people don't want to take this route so I totally understand why the topic is avoided, I was just curious if there was something specific to the antiwork movement/idea that I was missing.

I've been hanging out in this subreddit for a short while but I haven't seen a lot of people discussing the option of starting your own business and becoming your own boss to bypass the struggles of dealing with unfair corporations and stress filled work weeks. I'm not sure why so I was hoping somebody could shed some light on this for me. Is this because of a specific reason that goes against what this subreddit stands for or is this just not the right place to suggest or discuss those kinds of topics?

I'm assuming the standard answers/reasons apply for why people don't want to take this route so I totally understand why the topic is avoided, I was just curious if there was something specific to the antiwork movement/idea that I was missing.

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