Not that I enjoy work if I were healthy, but I've gotten to where I try to avoid as much work as possible. I know it's impossible to quit because of bills and rent, but there are days that I actually cry and dread every day I go in. Some days I'm fatigued, but not sick, and anxiety compounds this. I tried antidepressants, but I don't care for the way they make me feel. I have some muscular chronic pain too from a car accident a few years ago and no job I've ever had accommodates my issues. The medicine is a muscle relaxer and it just makes me too sleepy to work. Right now, I don't have the money for internet or experience or I would get a remote job. I'm so sick of anxiety ruining my life and the fact that I'm forced to work and go against my better instincts just to keep my electricity on is starting to cause me to crumble. Sorry for the random rant, but I just needed to vent this someplace. Do any of you have similar stories?