
Anxious that my work is “over” my recent health problems and want to fire me.

I’ve had a rough 2022 and what’s shaping up to be an even worse 2023. I had a bad fall last year and fractured my tailbone and finger of which I am still dealing with the pain. I have also had an injured ankle that I have needed to attend physio appointments for. On top of this, I had surgery and a biopsy before Christmas which I just learned yesterday has shown I have a serious form of endometrial hyperplasia which causes cancer and will likely need a hysterectomy at a young age. On New Years Day my house was broken into while I was asleep upstairs and my keys, wallet and car were stolen so I’m pretty shaken from this. Add on the mounting serious health issues and my fear of another break in to my pre-existing anxiety and depression and I’m having a pretty bad time. I work…

I’ve had a rough 2022 and what’s shaping up to be an even worse 2023.

I had a bad fall last year and fractured my tailbone and finger of which I am still dealing with the pain. I have also had an injured ankle that I have needed to attend physio appointments for.

On top of this, I had surgery and a biopsy before Christmas which I just learned yesterday has shown I have a serious form of endometrial hyperplasia which causes cancer and will likely need a hysterectomy at a young age.

On New Years Day my house was broken into while I was asleep upstairs and my keys, wallet and car were stolen so I’m pretty shaken from this.

Add on the mounting serious health issues and my fear of another break in to my pre-existing anxiety and depression and I’m having a pretty bad time.

I work in HR and started a new role three months ago. My direct manager and other stakeholders have given me nothing but glowing feedback so far.

However the attitude and communications from our Chief HR since returning to work from Christmas break has been very abrasive towards me for some reason. After sharing that I was broken into and needed to deal with some personal things, she was just hitting me up nonstop with harsh feedback on a project I had been working on, asking “if I managed to sort it out yet” in regards to dealing with the break in, followed up on “how my first day back at work went” etc. Essentially cracking the whip.

I feel more anxious now that they are “over” my constant issues and want to fire me even though I don’t let it affect my performance.

Any words of wisdom to spare for my wretched little soul?

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