
Any downsides to ghosting my job besides a reference which I have from a previous manager?

I work a minimum wage job. I’ve worked at my current job for about two years and a half now. For the first couple years, it was great. Lots of good coworkers and my immediate boss was amazing. All of us loved him. Only downside was upper management which were always sort of incompetent and expected extremely unrealistic standards. Everything changed when the immediate manager left. Not soon after, pretty much everyone left and it’s been going downhill ever since. We are extremely short staffed. Now we’re expected to run our area like before without extra pay despite losing every single person besides me two other coworkers. We went from 10 to 4 people. Upper management is even worse now that I have to deal with them constantly expecting me to do all this extra work without any help. I’m the only closer they have but I’m absolutely fed up…

I work a minimum wage job. I’ve worked at my current job for about two years and a half now. For the first couple years, it was great. Lots of good coworkers and my immediate boss was amazing. All of us loved him. Only downside was upper management which were always sort of incompetent and expected extremely unrealistic standards.

Everything changed when the immediate manager left. Not soon after, pretty much everyone left and it’s been going downhill ever since. We are extremely short staffed. Now we’re expected to run our area like before without extra pay despite losing every single person besides me two other coworkers. We went from 10 to 4 people. Upper management is even worse now that I have to deal with them constantly expecting me to do all this extra work without any help.

I’m the only closer they have but I’m absolutely fed up with closing by myself and dealing with all this by myself while the morning shift has three employees AND upper management helping them out. I never get help despite me being alone. Would it be wrong if I just straight up stopped showing? Before he left, the previous manager said he’d give me a recommendation for any future jobs.

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