
Any good way to give less fucks at/about work?

Last 2 weeks was filled with bad luck in my private life. I work an admin job and told my manager about what happened and they understood my focus and mind wasnt at work. I'm glad they helped out where they could because otherwise it would be a one way ticket to burnoutville. Most other managers dont give a fuck about the situation, asking constant updates while my inbox is already piling up. When explaining its basically “oh damn that sucks, anyway, can you fix xyz asap while i give you the least anmount of info?”. Nobody cares I'm in a bad mental state. They have no budget to hire an extra hand but they have budgets for alcohol for corporate parties. I'm done with this shit really. I feel like a drone and nobody cares that I'm on the brink of breaking down. There is no good communication or…

Last 2 weeks was filled with bad luck in my private life. I work an admin job and told my manager about what happened and they understood my focus and mind wasnt at work. I'm glad they helped out where they could because otherwise it would be a one way ticket to burnoutville.

Most other managers dont give a fuck about the situation, asking constant updates while my inbox is already piling up. When explaining its basically “oh damn that sucks, anyway, can you fix xyz asap while i give you the least anmount of info?”. Nobody cares I'm in a bad mental state. They have no budget to hire an extra hand but they have budgets for alcohol for corporate parties.

I'm done with this shit really. I feel like a drone and nobody cares that I'm on the brink of breaking down. There is no good communication or project management and i have to fix everything mostly by myself. I cant grow within my job and my tasks are slowly but surely being outsourced.

I want to learn how to just do what i need to do for my job, basically quiet quitting, while looking for something more in a closer proximity to home and better pay with a more organized team. Since coworkers dont give a damn about my mental health i just dont want to care about them either, yet i always struggle through and try to find ways to fix the hole in this sinking ship

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