
Any ideas on how to get fired?

Hi there, I've been working in CS for 7 years. Recently the company was bought by a multinational corporation, that owns half of the planet or something. Anyway, a lot of changes followed this migration. For the first time of my life I experience this level of stress and pressure in a workplace, even though I've done some significantly more stressful jobs in the past. The company became a labour camp, in just a few days and they try not to let us breath, during the shift. Counting the seconds/minutes you need to answer an email, or go to the bathroom. Each shift is followed by a huge manager text asking details on why you took a 6.5 minutes break, instead of 5, or took like 30 seconds more on that email. We stopped having any kind of fun at work (even silly work jokes among peers on slack), nobody's…

Hi there,

I've been working in CS for 7 years. Recently the company was bought by a multinational corporation, that owns half of the planet or something. Anyway, a lot of changes followed this migration. For the first time of my life I experience this level of stress and pressure in a workplace, even though I've done some significantly more stressful jobs in the past.

The company became a labour camp, in just a few days and they try not to let us breath, during the shift. Counting the seconds/minutes you need to answer an email, or go to the bathroom. Each shift is followed by a huge manager text asking details on why you took a 6.5 minutes break, instead of 5, or took like 30 seconds more on that email. We stopped having any kind of fun at work (even silly work jokes among peers on slack), nobody's smiling anymore and most of us experience stress effects. e.g. For the past months I can't sleep like a normal human being anymore. I've been waking up 2-4 times during a 6hour sleep etc.

I won't even start on how I don't understand the goal of my work any more, as it certainly isn't supporting anyone anymore. They make us send general and confusing emails to the customers, that are anything but helpful or explanatory and they tell us off if we answer in an actually supporting way.

There is this law in my country that protects companies from employees trying to get fired, of course, so I was wandering how could they prove someone dropped efficiency on purpose?

Also, how the hell can I make them fire me, without showing I did it on purpose?

I also have this conspiracy theory stuck into my mind that they try to make me quit (I'm the only one in my department that's been here for this many years), because of certain events and behaviours, but ofc I can't prove that.

I would gladly quit had I been working there for less time, but seven years of my life are too many, to just let them have it.

I honestly need to leave this toxic shit hole, as I'm really getting worried about my mental and physical health.

Any similar experiences or ideas will be helpful.


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