
Any knowledge workers here have experience with not being trained?

I’ve working in an engineering company for almost 4 years. I don’t want to say what kind of company for confidentiality purposes. The first two I worked as a test engineer and I definitely learned a lot as my boss really wanted to teach and pass on the knowledge. Then I decided I wanted to get some design experience so when an opening in the engineering department I applied and got transferred. My new boss told me that I’d be getting trained in the first few months I was there but during my two years in the engineering department it’s been a real struggle for me to learn how to design anything. One of my biggest hurdles is getting anyone of my co-workers to explain steps in the design process to me. I always get a partial explanation and when I try to dig a little deeper I either get…

I’ve working in an engineering company for almost 4 years. I don’t want to say what kind of company for confidentiality purposes. The first two I worked as a test engineer and I definitely learned a lot as my boss really wanted to teach and pass on the knowledge. Then I decided I wanted to get some design experience so when an opening in the engineering department I applied and got transferred. My new boss told me that I’d be getting trained in the first few months I was there but during my two years in the engineering department it’s been a real struggle for me to learn how to design anything. One of my biggest hurdles is getting anyone of my co-workers to explain steps in the design process to me. I always get a partial explanation and when I try to dig a little deeper I either get told “ I’m busy right now” or “you just need to practice more”. But how am I supposed to do that if no one will teach me the basics? Has anyone here ever dealt with this and how did you get over this hurdle?

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