
Any other autistic workers have trouble with work due to our heightened sense of justice?

I'm seeking advice. My manager and district manager and Hr have been gaslighting us for months. Way too much to put into one post. Basically we got a new manager, she sucks. Breaks labor laws. Is rude to customers and coworkers. Doesn't listen to people. Makes people quit and then the rest of us have to suffer. I've spoken to hr and the DM and the manager herself about it multiple times. They'll say things will change but it always gets worse Recently I've been complaining about the fact that they have been putting more work on us and only scheduling 3 people during the day. We're a busy coffee shop. We're overworked and can't get anything done. They want us to prep for a health inspection but we can't cuz no staff I keep not getting a break bc of the dumb scheduling and the manager yells at me…

I'm seeking advice. My manager and district manager and Hr have been gaslighting us for months. Way too much to put into one post.

Basically we got a new manager, she sucks. Breaks labor laws. Is rude to customers and coworkers. Doesn't listen to people. Makes people quit and then the rest of us have to suffer.

I've spoken to hr and the DM and the manager herself about it multiple times. They'll say things will change but it always gets worse

Recently I've been complaining about the fact that they have been putting more work on us and only scheduling 3 people during the day. We're a busy coffee shop.

We're overworked and can't get anything done.

They want us to prep for a health inspection but we can't cuz no staff

I keep not getting a break bc of the dumb scheduling and the manager yells at me for not taking a break

“I'll get in trouble” but I expressed my concerns about the scheduling and explained why I can't take breaks because of it but nothing changes.

Im shift leader and she's paying the female shift leader less than me

Just a bunch of bad stuff.

Since I'm autistic it's tough for me to adjust to a new job bc of the change. But it's also hard for me to remain professional due to the injustices I experience towards me and my coworkers and even the customers.

Autistic sense of justice makes it hard for me to talk to my manager because inside I want to yell. But I'm also way too polite so I can't do that. I'm too nice.

Today I have to work with her but I'm so close to my breaking point.

How should I maintain my interactions with her?

Everyone says I'm too nice but she keeps saying I'm mean for talking to hr about her not doing her job and making a coworker work open to close, but only getting paid for the closing shift bc she didn't wanna get in trouble.

So whenever I stick up for myself or my coworkers she says I'm mena. And we have employee reviews coming up and that determines if we get a raise and she's the one who's doing the reviews …

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