
Anyone else a little bummed with so many people panicking over the forecast that “AI will take our jobs”

I see this in a lot of subs, people are afraid that ChatGPT could do their job, AI will do everything better than humans can, etc. For me, I look forward to a future where AI instead of humans do the work needed to keep society going. Of course, getting there will likely be a bumpy ride – some jobs will get automated away faster than others and some large corporations will end up with complete control over an AI technology (like ChatGPT/GPT4 at the moment being controlled by OpenAI.) However, some AI technologies have had viable open-source equivalents thrive like Stable Diffusion (the open-source version of Dall-E) which were popular among people (like me) who were willing to take a small hit in order to be free from censorship and to be able to customize the models further for our own liking. But I digress.. I welcome a new…

I see this in a lot of subs, people are afraid that ChatGPT could do their job, AI will do everything better than humans can, etc. For me, I look forward to a future where AI instead of humans do the work needed to keep society going. Of course, getting there will likely be a bumpy ride – some jobs will get automated away faster than others and some large corporations will end up with complete control over an AI technology (like ChatGPT/GPT4 at the moment being controlled by OpenAI.) However, some AI technologies have had viable open-source equivalents thrive like Stable Diffusion (the open-source version of Dall-E) which were popular among people (like me) who were willing to take a small hit in order to be free from censorship and to be able to customize the models further for our own liking.

But I digress.. I welcome a new world order where we no longer have to work much, if at all, to make a living and instead, AI is doing all of the work for us. Call me idealistic but I think we'll get there though the journey may be rough at times.

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