
Anyone else afraid of doing things like having kids and buying a home?

I've been thinking a lot about this lately. You have kids, buy a home…and then what? Unless you're extremely lucky and your job treats you well, you're now tied to staying at a place you may not want to, all while trying to keep up with payments and feeding more people. What if you get fired? What if there's a pay cut? There's too many unfavorable possibilities. With wages being what they are and the reality of inflation, why the fuck bother with it? It's sad, shouldn't be like this, yet here we are.

I've been thinking a lot about this lately.

You have kids, buy a home…and then what? Unless you're extremely lucky and your job treats you well, you're now tied to staying at a place you may not want to, all while trying to keep up with payments and feeding more people.

What if you get fired? What if there's a pay cut? There's too many unfavorable possibilities.

With wages being what they are and the reality of inflation, why the fuck bother with it? It's sad, shouldn't be like this, yet here we are.

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