
Anyone else have a degree in a field they have no interest in anymore?

I have a degree in Social Work but I havent used it in over a year. The field gave me horrible anxiety and depression. Currently doing something completely blue collar and unrelated. I could be making more money using my degree but the work is very uninteresting to me at this point in my life and I'm having a hard time wanting to return to that sort of work. The job I have know doesn't pay the greatest and isn't exciting at all but at least I don't have anxiety anymore. I want to begin a career in something again but I don't know where to begin or what to learn. I've been toying with the idea of going back to school to take a 1-2 year program in something else but the thought of coursework and writing papers seems like a drag. I've thought about trade school as well…

I have a degree in Social Work but I havent used it in over a year. The field gave me horrible anxiety and depression. Currently doing something completely blue collar and unrelated. I could be making more money using my degree but the work is very uninteresting to me at this point in my life and I'm having a hard time wanting to return to that sort of work. The job I have know doesn't pay the greatest and isn't exciting at all but at least I don't have anxiety anymore.

I want to begin a career in something again but I don't know where to begin or what to learn. I've been toying with the idea of going back to school to take a 1-2 year program in something else but the thought of coursework and writing papers seems like a drag. I've thought about trade school as well but I know they're hard on your body and most people who do them need a back up plan for when they get older and can't be on the tools anymore.

I live a pretty minimalist lifestyle so I don't need to making six figures. I just want the basics of living, positive mental health, and focus on my hobbies outside of work.

Anyone else in the same boat? Could really use some advice.

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