
Anyone else have a parent(s) who will die of being overworked?

My dad is in his early 50s. Use to work at the steel mills before they all shut down. My mom divorced him eventually for not having a job. Once he got back on his feet, he would work his regular job, 40hrs/week and find construction/warehouse jobs etc. He at minimum works 65 hours a week. Says he feels like he hasn't done anything if he works any less. There were times he would tell me he would come home, sleep 2 to 4 hours, get right back up for another job. When my parents were still together at max he would work 55 hours a week, cuz even though he spent time with us, he also had 4 kids to support. My siblings and I are gown now, so he doesn't pay any support anymore. He still works like this and then some. He also doesn't take care of…

My dad is in his early 50s. Use to work at the steel mills before they all shut down. My mom divorced him eventually for not having a job. Once he got back on his feet, he would work his regular job, 40hrs/week and find construction/warehouse jobs etc. He at minimum works 65 hours a week. Says he feels like he hasn't done anything if he works any less. There were times he would tell me he would come home, sleep 2 to 4 hours, get right back up for another job.

When my parents were still together at max he would work 55 hours a week, cuz even though he spent time with us, he also had 4 kids to support. My siblings and I are gown now, so he doesn't pay any support anymore. He still works like this and then some.

He also doesn't take care of himself. Brags about how he only drinks coffee and beer. Smokes ontop of it, when his father died of cancer caused by smoking. Whenever he has any health problems he just ignores them.

I fully believe he will work like this for the rest of his life, or til his body at least breaks down to the point he can't move.

It just fucking sucks that people think this is normal, or should be normalized.

It is insane.

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