
anyone else have a suspicion that the older generation just hates young people?

I noticed this reoccurring theme in this sub and it makes me wonder. That we are “lazy”, constantly taking away opportunities and gaslighting us about it. It feels almost like older people in power are just happy to stop the ease and joys of life to replace it with misery. I see it even with my own family. I'm struggling trying to work for myself and get back into school. My mom has a house networked about 700k and is straight up charging me rather high rent despite having her mortgage paid off so she can use my money to go ahead and buy another property. Well, grandma let it slip. She paid for her credit card until she was 27, paid for her schooling, paid for everything. I was booted out essentially at 20 and told to figure it out. I talked about this with my friends abroad and…

I noticed this reoccurring theme in this sub and it makes me wonder. That we are “lazy”, constantly taking away opportunities and gaslighting us about it. It feels almost like older people in power are just happy to stop the ease and joys of life to replace it with misery.

I see it even with my own family. I'm struggling trying to work for myself and get back into school. My mom has a house networked about 700k and is straight up charging me rather high rent despite having her mortgage paid off so she can use my money to go ahead and buy another property. Well, grandma let it slip. She paid for her credit card until she was 27, paid for her schooling, paid for everything. I was booted out essentially at 20 and told to figure it out.

I talked about this with my friends abroad and everyone just seemed so shocked about the whole rent thing, especially coming from a family that doesn't struggle (upper middle class). I also noticed abroad that people tend to “push it forward”, making life as easy as possible for the next generation and so on so fourth.

I just don't get it, I straight up moved in with a girl right after college (well fell in love tho!) Because her family offered help. Not even my own blood and they helped me (interestingly enough not from usa). I'm still struggling for housing and it'd extremely apparent I can't save for a home, all the bills goes into my mom's “rent”. It's like older people pretend not to notice any of this and don't care how financially stunted most of us are.

*disclaimer this isn't all older people. I have plenty that's helped and given me amazing opportunities and I thank them for it. I also am aware many boomers have done amazing things like the civil rights movement *

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