
Anyone else tired of double standards at work?

So I had a night shift and towards the end I was out of things to do (outside of pretending like I’m busy such as sweeping ) and I just decided to chill out in the break room for a bit. I only had an hour left so I sat there for maybe 20 minutes until my closing manager came in and was like what are you doing? I said I was done with everything and she said did you just want to go home early? So I said yes. The next day I came in and she wrote me up for doing that claiming it’s technically considering stealing company time and I could get suspended for that but instead am going to write me up. Here’s the part that gets to me, literally the week before me AND THAT SAME MANAGER, we’re chilling in the back room talking about…

So I had a night shift and towards the end I was out of things to do (outside of pretending like I’m busy such as sweeping ) and I just decided to chill out in the break room for a bit. I only had an hour left so I sat there for maybe 20 minutes until my closing manager came in and was like what are you doing? I said I was done with everything and she said did you just want to go home early? So I said yes.

The next day I came in and she wrote me up for doing that claiming it’s technically considering stealing company time and I could get suspended for that but instead am going to write me up.

Here’s the part that gets to me, literally the week before me AND THAT SAME MANAGER, we’re chilling in the back room talking about music and concerts we been to for 45 minutes! And this is when I actually had work I needed to get done. So that was perfectly okay and not considered stealing company time but me sitting in the break room for 20 minutes was? And got me written up? I just can’t take the hypocrisy. This sort of stuff happens so often.

For example you can’t be on your phone but you walk by the managers office and they’re scrolling on their phone

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