
Anyone else tired of hearing people go on about finances and pensions?

People in my age bracket (mid 30s) are often god awful boring and monotonous. All they seem to talk about is work, their finances and their pensions. It reminds me of societal consumerism, but instead of obsessing about things, they obsess about money and investments – tHe FuTuRe. Meanwhile they're working their silly little lives away for some carrot on a stick many years from now. Some I know don't sense the irony when they mention things like how silly it is Christians deny themselves so much now for the promise of an afterlife. I just find it all very loathsome and sickening.

People in my age bracket (mid 30s) are often god awful boring and monotonous. All they seem to talk about is work, their finances and their pensions. It reminds me of societal consumerism, but instead of obsessing about things, they obsess about money and investments – tHe FuTuRe. Meanwhile they're working their silly little lives away for some carrot on a stick many years from now.

Some I know don't sense the irony when they mention things like how silly it is Christians deny themselves so much now for the promise of an afterlife.

I just find it all very loathsome and sickening.

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