
Anyone else tired of the „you need to constantly learn” bullcrap?

You can't just learn a few things and have a comfortable position for at least a few years. You MUST grind your butt off or you will fall behind. Did you just graduate from college and feel like you've got it? Wrong. You need to know this, and this, and this to apply for a junior position. Are you already in a junior position? Good, now take that course and go to that conference, because after all, you can NEVER stop learning. Want to relax after work? Well, you do you, but if I were you I would invest that time and learn a new coding language. Just in case. If you're not moving forward, you're moving backward! And guess what, there's a surprise! Introducing: AI!!! Now your work can be automated, so we can lay off ¾ of the team you can be more productive. We'll pay you the…

You can't just learn a few things and have a comfortable position for at least a few years. You MUST grind your butt off or you will fall behind. Did you just graduate from college and feel like you've got it? Wrong. You need to know this, and this, and this to apply for a junior position.

Are you already in a junior position? Good, now take that course and go to that conference, because after all, you can NEVER stop learning. Want to relax after work? Well, you do you, but if I were you I would invest that time and learn a new coding language. Just in case. If you're not moving forward, you're moving backward!

And guess what, there's a surprise! Introducing: AI!!! Now your work can be automated, so we can lay off ¾ of the team you can be more productive. We'll pay you the same, but you'll do more for us! How cool is that? Better jump into the hypetrain and learn to use the new technology!

Oh, you got laid off because your job was automated? That sucks, who could’ve guessed that would happen. Well, fortunately, there's always a chance to…. you're right! Change careers! Surely you're not upset that your years of experience and skills are going into the gutter. Just suck it up and learn something new. Go back to school. Get another degree at age 35, because why not. Have a personal life and financial obligations? Well, sucks to be you.

I'm just angry at the grind culture. No, I don't want to be the best version of myself, or whatever. I want to relax, play video games and have a steady income. And no, I'm not against learning. I like to discover things. It's just that in capitalism you have to invest. every. minute. because who knows, maybe in 5 years all the white-collar jobs will be automated and suddenly everyone will be kicking themselves because they didn't learn carpentry or welding.

I'm 26 years old and I'm already tired of expectations. I could bear children or something, but how am I supposed to do that when I not only have to spend 8 hours a day at work, but I also have to spend time AFTER work to upgrade my skills or whatever. WHEN the fuck am I supposed to start a family if I don't want to starve in the future?

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