
Anyone Else Trapped at Their Job?

I make 18.08 an hour. Completely unheard of in this small town. If I get a job anywhere else in town, it'll be 12 an hour max. That's a huge difference. I'm trapped. I have a wife and 3 kids that depend on this job. It sucks. Everyone is high as a kite, management doesn't care, the guy I work with is lazy, we go by a stupid point system for attendance. Example: My wife thought she was having a heart attack last night (true story) so I left work. They gave me a point for leaving, even though I quickly explained the situation before I left. Idk what to do. When I say there are no jobs in small town, I mean there really are none. Next town over is 40 miles away.

I make 18.08 an hour. Completely unheard of in this small town. If I get a job anywhere else in town, it'll be 12 an hour max. That's a huge difference. I'm trapped. I have a wife and 3 kids that depend on this job. It sucks. Everyone is high as a kite, management doesn't care, the guy I work with is lazy, we go by a stupid point system for attendance. Example: My wife thought she was having a heart attack last night (true story) so I left work. They gave me a point for leaving, even though I quickly explained the situation before I left. Idk what to do. When I say there are no jobs in small town, I mean there really are none. Next town over is 40 miles away.

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